Monday 9 October 2017


Listing Description:

Dolomite is a carbonate mineral composed of calcium magnesium carbonate CaMg(CO3)2. The term is also used to describe the sedimentary carbonate rock doloston

Detailed Description:

Dolostone (dolomite rock) is composed predominantly of the mineral dolomite with a stoichiometric ratio of 50% or greater content of magnesium replacing calcium, often as a result of diagenesis. Limestone that is partially replaced by dolomite is referred to as dolomitic limestone, or in old U.S. geologic literature as magnesian limestone.

Dolomite was first described by the Austrian naturalist Belsazar Hacquet as the "stinking stone" (German: Stinkstein, Latin: lapis suillus in 1778). In 1791, it was described as a rock by the French naturalist and geologist, Déodat Gratet de Dolomieu (1750–1801) from exposures in what are now known as the Dolomite Alps of northern Italy. The mineral was given its name in March 1792 by Nicolas de Saussure.[7] Hacquet and Dolomieu met in Laibach (Ljubljana) in 1784, which may have contributed to Dolomieu's work.

The mineral dolomite crystallizes in the trigonal-rhombohedral system. It forms white, gray to pink, commonly curved (saddle shape) crystals, although it is usually massive. Unlike calcite, dolomite is a double carbonate, having a different structural arrangement, and it does not rapidly dissolve or effervesce (fizz) in dilute hydrochloric acid unless it is scratched or in powdered form. Crystal twinning is common. A solid solution series exists between dolomite and iron rich ankerite. Small amounts of iron in the structure give the crystals a yellow to brown tint. Manganese substitutes in the structure also up to about three percent MnO. A high manganese content gives the crystals a rosy pink color noted in the image above. A series with the manganese rich kutnohorite may exist. Lead and zinc also substitute in the structure for magnesium. It is also related to huntite Mg3Ca(CO3)4.


$39.6/KG OR $18/IB

For more information:

mobile: +2348039721941

contact person: emeaba uche


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