Thursday 2 November 2017


Listing description
Mugglestone, Tiger Iron is a grounding stone that also brings protection, especially protection from danger. It is also a stone of clarity, particularly clarity of knowledge, enabling one to see the truth below the apparent surface of issues.
Detailed description
Tiger Iron also helps with creative endeavors and all types of artistic abilities. It is used to bring strength, vitality, confidence, willpower, and balance. It is an excellent stone for people wishing to bring more motivation to their lives. In folklore and crystal healing lore, Tiger Iron is said to balance white and red blood cells, increase natural steroids, and improve muscular structure, and help with healing legs, sexual organs, liver, and the nervous system. Tiger Iron is related to the sacral and root chakras. Mugglestone - Tiger Iron is a combination of hematite, red jasper, and sometimes yellow jasper or golden tiger eye.

$11/KG OR $5/IB

For more information:

mobile: +2348039721941

contact person: emeaba uche


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